SPLASH шоу - это уникальное действо которое можно заказать только в «МаДенарт». Во время выступления художник наносит прозрачные краски, а потом заливает полотно разноцветными.

   «Splash» - it is an absolutely new technique of speed painting. It is extremely colorful, dynamic and high-speed of acting - from 3 to 5 minutes. «Splash»-show is unique, one-of-a-kind and it is performed exclusively by Denys Dytyniuk.

   Description of the performance: At first an artist is drawing on the canvas with transparent paint. Then he fills the canvas with multicolored paints - and at once someone’s portrait or a composition appears on canvas in front of the audience:

    And to tell the story of a person or a couple of newlyweds, whose portraits are drawn, we use animation. Spectacular projections on canvas create striking visual illusions that turn into amazing pictures, attracting attention of the audience. What the viewers saw leaves bright and unforgettable impressions. It seems that canvases come to life and images painted by the artist, intertwined with the images projected onto the canvas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK9VDbwZJvA
    The viewer can watch as splashes of paint, dropped onto the canvas, spread, mix and create the widest range of new colors.